Maritime and Air Law Studies (MALS)

MALS and Global Trade

MALS and Security

MALS and Sustainability

MALS and Human Rights

Studies on the intersection where International Trade Law, International Investment Law, Law of the Sea and International Air Law meet; specifically inquiring on the impact of international trade and investment agreements on maritime and air transports, regulatory frameworks governing these strategic sectors, and their role in facilitating global economies.

Refer to the measures, regulations, and strategies designed to protect maritime and air transport from various threats. This includes defence strategies, security regulations, counter-piracy and counter-terrorism operations, cybersecurity, international defence cooperation, and domain awareness, ensuring the safety and resilience of global transport networks.

Encompass the regulations, strategies, and technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of maritime and air transport. This includes emissions reduction, sustainable fuels, climate change adaptation, ocean conservation, and the development of low-carbon technologies to promote long-term ecological balance.

Cover the protection of individuals in maritime and air transport, including labour rights, passenger rights, and indigenous communities’ rights. This involves fair working conditions, consumer protection, efforts to combat human trafficking, and ensuring the rights of indigenous maritime peoples in transport-related developments.

MALS and Global Trade

Studies on the intersection where International Trade Law, International Investment Law, Law of the Sea and International Air Law meet; specifically inquiring on the impact of international trade and investment agreements on maritime and air transports, regulatory frameworks governing these strategic sectors, and their role in facilitating global economies.

International Trade and Investment Agreements

International Shipping and Carriage of Goods

Navigation Rights on International Trade Routes

MALS and Security

Interdisciplinary studies from multiple perspectives encompassing defence and security aspects of maritime and air law, served in a myriad of legal sciences from relevant national laws, the 1944 Chicago Convention, UNCLOS, to other public international law that touches upon the realms jus ad bellum, jus in bello, laws on state responsibility and transnational criminal law.

Civil Aviation Governance

Studies on international and national regulations governing civil aviation, including airspace management, airline operations, safety standards, and regulatory compliance to enhance aviation oversight and policy development.

Maritime and Airspace Sovereignty

Studies on the legal frameworks governing state rights and jurisdiction over national airspace and maritime zones, including territorial waters, EEZ, and the high seas. This covers airspace control, freedom of navigation, and state sovereignty under public international law.

Maritime and Airspace Defence

Analysis of strategic policies and legal measures to protect national security in maritime and air domains. This includes defense frameworks, military airspace management, naval and aerial patrol operations, and threat mitigation while ensuring compliance with international and national law.

Naval and Aerial Warfare

Examining the development of and contemporary challenges concerning the legal frameworks governing military operations at sea and in the air. This work analyses the application of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), particularly the Geneva Conventions, their Additional Protocols, and customary IHL, alongside the law of the sea and air law. It explores the rules on the conduct of hostilities, targeting, and civilian protection in naval and aerial warfare, contributing to the understanding and development of legal principles that ensure compliance with international law in maritime and air operations.

Use of Force in Maritime and Air Domains

Exploring the development of and contemporary challenges concerning the legal principles governing the resort to force at sea and in the air. This work analyzes the application of jus ad bellum, particularly the UN Charter, customary international law, and relevant state practice in determining the legality of forceful actions in these domains. It explores issues such as self-defense, military interventions, and the use of force in exclusive economic zones and international airspace, contributing to the understanding and development of legal principles that regulate the lawful use of force in maritime and air operations.

Accountability at Sea and in Airspace

Assessing the development of and contemporary challenges on the legal frameworks governing individual and state responsibility for crimes committed in maritime and air domains. This work analyzes the application of International Criminal Law and Transnational Criminal Law, including the Rome Statute, universal jurisdiction, and relevant treaties addressing piracy, human trafficking, and illicit activities at sea and in the air. It explores issues such as jurisdiction, enforcement mechanisms, and the prosecution of crimes under domestic and international legal frameworks, contributing to the understanding and development of accountability mechanisms related to maritime and air space.

MALS and Sustainability

Encompass the regulations, strategies, and technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of maritime and air transport. This includes emissions reduction, sustainable fuels, climate change adaptation, ocean conservation, and the development of low-carbon technologies to promote long-term ecological balance.

Maritime and Aviation Environmental Regulations

Research on international and national regulations governing environmental protection in maritime and air transport, such as emissions reduction, waste management, and pollution prevention.

Sustainable Maritime and Air Transport

Analysis of strategies for promoting sustainable maritime and air transport, including alternative fuels, energy efficiency, and green technologies.

Climate Change and Maritime/Air Transport

Examination of the impact of climate change on maritime and air transport, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and changes in trade patterns.

Blue Carbon and Ocean Conservation

Research on maritime ecosystems’ role in carbon sequestration, including mangrove and seagrass conservation, ocean fertilization, geo-engineering, sustainable fishing, aquaculture, and low-carbon technologies like wind-assisted propulsion, electric aircraft, and biofuels.

MALS and Human Rights

Cover the protection of individuals in maritime and air transport, including labour rights, passenger rights, and indigenous communities’ rights. This involves fair working conditions, consumer protection, efforts to combat human trafficking, and ensuring the rights of indigenous maritime peoples in transport-related developments.

Maritime and Aviation Labour Rights

Research on the rights of seafarers and aviation workers, including working conditions, wages, and social protection.

Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Analysis of the role of maritime and air transport in human trafficking and migrant smuggling, including strategies for prevention and prosecution.

Passenger Rights and Consumer Protection

Examination of the rights of passengers in maritime and air transport, including consumer protection, accessibility, and compensation for delays or cancellations.

Indigenous Maritime Peoples’ Rights

Research on indigenous maritime peoples’ rights, including traditional land and water rights, free prior informed consent, impacts of transport projects, cultural effects, economic empowerment, and preservation strategies.